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ROCIM’s mission is to produce wines in a sustainable manner, respecting the social, cultural and natural matrix of the region.

Corporate Culture

The organic structure of ROCIM combines solid formal aspects in the organization field with the informality of procedures, rejecting highly hierarchical solutions, which limit the flexibility ant the creativity that are essential to achieve success.
The values and behaviours that compose the cultural reference of the corporation arise from these general principles, among which we would like to emphasise the following:

– Customers satisfaction as the main goal of the company;
– Individual creativity, initiative and dynamism, teamwork and spirit of commitment as indispensable to reach high productivity levels;
– Discipline, organisation and method as the path of success for the companies operational activities;
– Recognition of the importance of common knowledge and skills in terms of emotional and creative intelligence as fundamental to the personal and professional success of each worker and the companies;
– Differentiation between costs and investments sustained by the principle of costs reduction whenever possible to allow investment when needed;
– Favourable conditions of social support to the workers and motivation stimulated by the share of responsibilities and permanent training as the main conditions to the good individual and collective performance;
– Special attention given to technical training and improvements in the communication technologies. Special care is also given to improve written and oral expression in Portuguese, English and Spanish, as well as to develop creative intelligence.  

Movicortes S.A. project undertaken in partnership with its associate Rocim, Lda.


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